May 12, 2010
We're back this week with a wealth of new features.
Paul Kim explains how public health reform can ensure a safer food supply and Eric Meslin looks at what to expect from the new bioethics commission. Vikram Savkar says that improving science education requires rethinking academic priorities and Mary Ann Mason argues that addressing work-life issues is key to stemming the female brain drain. Finally, Kristen Marhaver asks: As warnings mount, how can we speed science into policymaking?
 To Our Health!
By Paul Kim
Deficiencies in the regulation of the American food supply constitute the most serious and persistent gap in American consumer protection. Congress must seize the opportunity to fix the problem.
 Problem Solvers
By Eric M. Meslin, Ph.D.
A welcome focus on pragmatism over philosophizing adds new challenges the commission’s task to move ideas move from recommendation to implementation.
 We Invest in Research, But What About Teaching?
By Vikram Savkar
The structural incentives of the academy are in general stacked in favor of research and against high-quality science teaching.
 America Should Compete for Women Scientists
By Mary Ann Mason
For American science to remain competitive, the reauthorization of the America COMPETES Act should support universities and federal agencies working to provide a baseline of family responsive policies for grad students, postdocs, and faculty.
 Ecosystems In the Age of Cassandra
By Kristen L. Marhaver
If environmental research cannot inform policy decisions in a timely manner, scientists will simply be documenting the death of planet Earth.
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Andrew Plemmons Pratt, Managing Editor
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